Query: gene/protein, ligand or phenotype name, UniProtKB ID/AC, EntrezGene ID, EMBL, Ensembl, Ensembl_TRS, Ensembl_PRO, OMIM ID, ...
VaProS, VAriation effect on PROtein Structure and function, is a new data cloud for Structural Life Science and is the core technology to lead the collaboration among fields in Structural Biology and the whole Life Sciences. Led by the initiative of National Institute of Genetics, VaProS has been developed as the Integrated Structural Biology Database together with the selected outcomes from Protein 3000 Project, Targeted Proteins Research Program, Genome Network Project and Cell Innovation Project. more...
A database of human proteins identified in the genome. This database focuses on a structural annotation of each protein.
A database of human proteins with molecular interaction information. Interactions between a human protein and a protein, nucleic acid, or ligand can be obtained which is derived from a homology search against PDB.
A database of protein-ligand interactions in three-dimension. The ligand in the database is a “natural ligand” generated by the knowledge of enzymatic reactions appeared in KEGG combined with a three-dimensional data of protein-analog interactions in PDB.
A database of gene coexpression. DNA microarray or RNA-seq analyses produce information on relative expression levels for thousands of genes simultaneously. In addition, large collections of expression data contain information about concerted changes in transcript levels in these datasets beyond the original purpose of each dataset.
A tool to assess functional impact of missense and multiple mutations on a protein. The assessment enables one to prioritize the mutations for further studies.
A database of up-to-date proteins related to autophagy (self-digestion process in eukaryotic cells). The information here includes from protein sequences to protein-protein interactions and is human curated.
It is a tool that predicts candidate motifs (called Cis Elements candidates) from DNA sequences in genetic promoter region.
A web-based integrated viewer for genetic variants observed in human individuals/populations. It enables users to analyze their functional impacts through a visual inspection of the variants displayed on the protein 3D structure, along with both DNA and protein sequences.
EntrezGene, Taxonomy, UniProtKB, InterPro, GO, ChEMBL, ChEBI, PDBj, BioGRID, IntAct, PID, Reactome, OMIM
Cytoscape.js, d3-cloud, Wordle (cue.language), PostgreSQL, Neo4j, Sidr, three.js,
The following description is recommended for the acknowledgement in the work that makes use of this website "This research is supported by Platform Project for Supporting Drug Discovery and Life Science Research (Basis for Supporting Innovative Drug Discovery and Life Science Research (BINDS)) from Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)."
For the citation of this website, plase refer the following paper.
Gojobori, T., et al (2016) VaProS: a database-integration approach for protein/genome information retrieval. J. Struct. Funct. Genomics. 17 (4): 69-81.
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